Seminars and Conferences


Single seminars or conferences to equip pastors, parents, and grandparents to make disciples of the next generation.


Imagine a builder having no plan to construct a home. What would it be like if he tried to build a house without a blueprint? It would be chaos. Inevitably, there would be problems. Yet many parents attempt to raise children without a blueprint. Just like a builder needs a blueprint, parents need a good parenting plan. Part of having a plan is to understand the target we are aiming for and to have a plan to implement spiritual habits, character traits, and life skills that children need to possess in order to mature into a godly adult. In this highly popular seminar based on their book, Dr. Josh and Jen Mulvihill will help you put a discipleship plan into action to raise children to maturity in Christ and godly adulthood.

The world is trying to win the battle for the hearts and minds of our children, but there are many things parents can do to help a child develop a deeply rooted, unshakable faith in Christ. This seminar will introduce you to key methods and resources that have proven to be effective in building lifelong faith for children. Squash doubt, build confidence, and get equipped with this timely and impactful seminar.

Do you want to help your children grow in their walk with the Lord? The eight practices presented in this seminar are a synthesis of Josh’s Ph.D research regarding the best practices that parents from across the country utilize to help children grow in spiritual maturity. You will walk away with practical tools and specific ways that you can invest in the spiritual growth of children.

Discipline is a key component of discipleship and the problem solving side of parenting that recognizes something is wrong in the heart of the child. In this session we will explore five characteristics of biblical discipline that will help parents evaluate their methods and equip them to respond effectively to the attitudes, actions, thoughts, and motives that do not align with the character of Christ.

We live in the era of the over-exposed child, which requires that we address subjects that children are hearing about often such as marriage and sex. This seminar is based on Josh’s book Preparing Children for Marriage. You will be equipped to talk with children about biblical principles and train parents to have biblical conversations about marriage.

God, in his wisdom, provided parents with an example of a father talking with his son about sex and we are going to learn from him! This seminar will equip you to use Proverbs 5 to train your child to embrace God’s good plan for sex. Learn how to take a dreaded topic and make it a delightful discussion with your child. You will walk away with a Bible study and discussion questions to guide conversation with children.


What is the biblical role of a grandparent? Can you summarize this in a sentence or even a word? Every grandparent is given a God-ordained role that is not interchangeable with any other member of the family. Come to this seminar to gain a laser-like focus on what a grandparent’s role is as well as learn the responsibilities grandparents are given by God from the Bible. If you are not a grandparent, this seminar will prove valuable as it will help you understand your parents role with your children. If you are a pastor, this seminar will equip you to provide a clear and compelling vision to share with grandparents in your context.

Do you want to help your child or grandchildren grow in their walk with the Lord? The eight practices presented in this seminar are a synthesis of Josh’s Ph.D research regarding the best practices families from across the country utilize to help the next grow in spiritual maturity. You will walk away with practical tools and specific ways that you can invest in the spiritual growth of your child or grandchildren.

What difference does the gospel make to grandparenting? For many people, an understanding of the gospel is muddy and it does not translate into everyday living. In this seminar you will learn how to apply the gospel to the every day problems you face as grandparents. The gospel provides relational guidance, answers to difficult family situations, and priorities with grandchildren. If you find yourself wondering how you should navigate a family situation, then this seminar may prove helpful.

Worldview and Apologetics

Learn what worldview is, why it matters and how to help your child or grandchild develop a biblical worldview by teaching four foundational biblical truths. Participants will learn to identify strong cultural messages that threaten to distort and destroy faith in Christ. This seminar will help you gain confidence and equip you to have intentional conversations so that your children develop deep, lasting, and culture transforming faith. This seminar is based on Josh’s book Biblical Worldview.

In a post-Christian culture, it is more critical than ever for young people to know what they believe, why they believe it, and are prepared to defend themselves from attacks to their faith. Throughout church history this has been known as apologetics. This seminar will equip you to help children recognize cultural lies, provide practical ways that you can integrate apologetics into your ministry, and introduce you to key tools to aid your children’s ministry.

Our child’s view of the Bible and understanding of truth is the foundation for all of life. Every person chooses the standard to make decisions and determine what we believe is right. Many Christians look to science, experience, or other sources for guidance and unintentionally replace the authority of God’s Word for something else. In this seminar you will how to help your child strengthen their belief in God’s Word through three questions, reasons the Bible is true and trustworthy, as well as learn to apply the Bible to all of life.


Education matters. That’s a phrase that just about every Christian agrees with. Education matters because it influences what children believe, who they become, the choices they make, the friends they choose, and demands thirty-five hours a week of a child’s time for eight months of the year. Yet, you wouldn’t know this at most churches. Education is overlooked, under-valued and the topic is ignored with a fervor so as not to offend others. What if God does care about how we educate our children? What if there is a biblical perspective on education? Wouldn’t it be good for us to know this? Join us for a seminar where we explore what the Bible says about educating the next generation. It may be one of the most transformational hours of your life!

Join homeschool veterans Dr. Josh and Jen Mulvihill to learn five simple strategies to get started. Learn about daily schedules, curriculum, homeschool philosophy, test taking, and more! If you are considering homeschooling, you won’t want to miss this seminar.

A philosophy called equity has become a dominate ideology in public education and is beginning to make inroads in some churches and Christian schools. Due to it’s recent explosion and significant impact on education, it is important for Christians to understand what equity is and how to respond. The Bible calls believers to test everything and hold fast to what is good, so this seminar will examine some of the central tenants of equity, also known as Critical Race Theory, according to Scripture.

Family Ministry

Learn about the four primary influencers in the life of young people and how you can design a ministry to leverage parents, grandparents, educators, and the church. Gain an understanding of the biblical foundation and practical examples to customize an approach to help you reach and disciple children.

Learn how to offer a sustainable family ministry effort alongside children’s ministry programming. This seminar will provide you with a big picture vision broken down into six bite-sized methods that every church can implement. If you want to know how to practically apply the concept of family ministry, then this seminar is for you!

Training children to worship God is supremely important in ministry. This seminar will provide practical advice and examples how to equip families to worship together and train children for “big church.” The ideas in this seminar will be helpful for large or small churches and different ministry philosophies.

Jen Mulvihill

From cutting your kids’ hair, to baking bread with only four ingredients, these skills will not only save your family money and time, but will make your daily life with kids at home more efficient and enjoyable. Jen Mulvihill’s experience as a mother of five and long-time homeschool mom combined with her lighthearted yet practical approach to life at home with children will both challenge and encourage homeschool families of all ages and stages.

Many families would love to incorporate more music into their home and teaching but feel that without formal musical training they lack the skills. Jen Mulvihill’s practical yet fun approach to musical instruction will give dozens of ideas to incorporate creative mealtime prayers, memorizing scripture, teaching hymns, recognizing classical music themes, and even learning to play musical instruments. If you would love to hear more singing and music in your home, this is the seminar for you!

The Bible instructs God’s people to sing and make music to the LORD using musical instruments, playing skilfully, and with joy. Learn how to start and maintain a homeschool band or orchestra requiring only basic musical knowledge, little funds, and a small group of students. Jen Mulvihill is a seasoned band teacher and homeschool mom. She has successfully started thriving band programs for private schools and homeschools. Her methods for musical instruction are simple, practical, affordable, and based on a biblical philosophy of music.

Where Josh can be found…

Click on each logo to access Josh’s article, podcast, or interview with that organization.

Podcasts with Josh Mulvihill

Podcasts with Jen and Josh Mulvihill

Teaching our kids about marriage

A map of parenting